Academy Aces

  • Many of our students demonstrate exceptional examples of what it means to be a Mustang. To recognize these stellar contributions to our school community, staff will nominate students for “Academy Aces”. Each team will nominate no more than four students per marking period. All nominations will be reviewed by the team and administration.

    • Teams will submit a list of nominees to counselors when they finalize their report card grade entry
    • Parents will be notified of the recognition through a letter mailed home
    • Academy Aces will have their names posted in the Winner’s Circle and on the CHS website
    • There will be a breakfast or lunch for each marking periods Academy Aces (starting in November)

    Suggested criteria for nomination:

    • The student must have 90% attendance
    • The student must hand homework and assignments in on time
    • The student must demonstrate the characteristics of respect, responsibility, and acceptance
    • The student must meet the teacher’s behavioral expectations
    • Students must meet team academic criteria